Magically Healed (Was Re: [ale] GIMP text question)

John Mills johnmills at
Fri Mar 12 18:15:46 EST 2004

Christopher and Stephen -

Thanks for your input.

I went to reproduce the problem and - lo and behold - it didn't happen.

First I created a new canvas at 720 dpi (my printer's dot-pitch), about 
3.5" square. I used the text tool to create sample lines at (IIRC) 40 pts 
using scalable Helvetica and New Century fonts. 

Beeeeg characters.

I printed at approx. 1:1 and _crisp_characters_. Hmmm ... I then printed 
at 100% of page size, or approximately 2:1. Still got crisp characters.

Since I had given up on GIMP for this type work I don't have any sample to
show the problem. I'll make notes and take samples if I stumble into that
pothole again. Better, I now know it was a usage or procedural problem,
not something inherent in GIMP or GIMPPrint. "One of life's mysteries" for 
the moment.

Meanwhile, thanks for the quick help. One more string to Redmond cut.

On 12 Mar 2004, Chris Fowler wrote:

> I set up the print size in gimp so that the program will know what size
> is going to be printed.

Could you explain what this involves? Thanks.

> I then use the text tool.  I get crisp text.

So do I, now.

 - John Mills
   1884 Ridgewood Dr, NE
   Atlanta, GA 30307-1166
   john.m.mills at

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