[ale] C++ indent/beautifier

Fulton Green ale at FultonGreen.com
Mon Mar 8 17:33:19 EST 2004

Wow, what a flashback.  When I was doing my senior project at Auburn in
late 1989/early 1990, one of the projects being worked on was the original
GRASP for Ada.  In fact, my group may have been doing X Window-based
visualization code for GRASP.  Or it may have been for a completely
different project altogether.  I just remember it involving X Window

On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 05:06:39PM -0500, Armsby John-G16665 wrote:
> Take a look at JGrasp from Auburn University.  I love it.  Does all kinds of cool stuff. Does not support Perl :-((

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