[ale] bittorrent

Michael D. Hirsch mhirsch at nubridges.com
Mon Mar 8 10:46:26 EST 2004

On Saturday 06 March 2004 07:51 am, Geoffrey wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out the gain of using bittorrent.  I guess it's
> simply the reduction of the load on mirrors and servers.  I started a
> bittorrent to get Mandrake 10 yesterday.  Now it's 3 cds so I know
> it's going to take a while, but right now I'm getting 11 KiB/s and
> have downloaded 399 M.  That's barely 1/2 of one of the cds.  ETA is
> 44 hours.

I found that it depended a lot on when I did it.  At night it came in 
slowly.  During the day it was pretty fast (about 6 hours total--I 
didn't say super fast).  I don't know if it was because I'm on a cable 
modem and I share bandwidth, or something else.

Be sure you open up the incoming ports.  Sounds like you did because you 
are uploading.


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