[ale] WORM! Fwd: Warning about your e-mail account.

jeb jeb at rev-x.com
Wed Mar 3 22:16:24 EST 2004

It was me.  My wife opened an email sent to your yahoo account.  It 
should be fixed now, sorry for any problems it may have caused.

Robert Reese wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>Well, this is a new one...  obviously the worm picks up the domain and
>auto-populates the fields.  A little clever.
>Now, it looks like the headers at least show the machine responsible for
>sending or relaying the virus:
>"Received: from vader (CPE-65-28-169-147.neb.rr.com [])	by
>hydra.host4u.net (8.11.6/8.11.6) with SMTP id i23GDuj25569	for <(my email)>;
>Wed, 3 "
>I scanned the IP and found a number of ports responding, which are the usual
>  21 25 53 80 110
>It appears that the IP resides in Nebraska.
>Below is the text of the worm's email, which I believe is the Beagle worm,
>variant E.
>*********** BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE  ***********
>On 3/3/2004 at 10:13 AM noreply at sixit.com <noreply at sixit.com> wrote:
>>Hello user of Sixit.com e-mail server,
>>Our main  mailing server will be temporary unavaible for next two days, 
>>to  continue receiving  mail in  these days you  have to  configure our
>>auto-forwarding  service.
>>For details see the attach.
>>Have a good day,
>>  The Sixit.com  team                              http://www.sixit.com
>*********** END FORWARDED MESSAGE  ***********
>Version: PGP 8.0.3
>Comment: No on has the right to NOT be offended!
>Type: DH/DSS 4096/1024 AES-256
>Key ID: 0xA771A40C
>Fingerprint: CAE2 81CA A7CD 6681 341C  E3A9 BC3C 04E5 A771 A40C
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