[ale] Mandrake 10.0 configure and make errors - whaaa?

Jay jloden at toughguy.net
Wed Jun 23 21:38:45 EDT 2004

Thanks, that's a good idea, though as you said, it doesnt answer that 
**** happened to this computer ;)


Geoffrey wrote:

> Jay wrote:
>> I've tried doing it as jay and as root, in /home/jay/ and in 
>> /usr/src/  and none of them wants to let me create the Makefile...I 
>> think you might be on the right track, but I would think that root 
>> would have the permission no matter what.
> Here's a suggestion. Since you noted that you have identical boxes 
> where these packages build okay on, run configure and make on one of 
> those boxes.  Then, tar up the whole directory tree, move it over to 
> the troubled machine and do 'make install'
> That should work, but doesn't answer the question of why it won't 
> compile.

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