[ale] [OT] QT tutor wanted...

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Fri Jun 18 11:56:17 EDT 2004

The development list for QTopia and/or the OE development for OpenEmbedded has 
alot of people used to working with QT.  You could try there.  If your 
interested in running your car or part of it off of a Zaurii then you'd 
already be in the that development world.

Christopher Bergeron wrote:
> Is anyone out there fluent in QT?  I'm looking for a tutor to help me 
> learn Signals and Slots in depth.  I just can't seem to wrap my head 
> around OOP coding as well as I'd like.  I've been a "functional" 
> programmer for about 12 years now, and I'm having difficulty learning 
> OOP/C++/QT Signals Slots.
> I've tried teaching myself, but with little adeu...
> Anyone interested or know of anyone that may be?
> Best regards,
> CB
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