[ale] pda recommendations?

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Thu Jun 17 17:27:50 EDT 2004

I have two Zaurii now.  A SL5600 and a C860.  Either can be very capable 
depending on what you want to do.  I haven't had alot of time with the C860 
yet.  The 5600 doesn't have as many ROMs available or applications as the 
older 5000 or 5500.  Usability is important for what your really want the PDA 
for.  I want remote SSH as my number one application.  If you want an 
organizer then you don't even need a PDA.  Just get a cheap old electronic 
organizer.  Even your cellphones now will hold hundreds of names and addresses 
and such.  You can even do email via cellphone if needed occasionally.

The nicest interface for using a PDA is possibly Palm or Psion from the 
discussions on oe.handhelds.org.  You certainly ought to try out the newer 
models of PDAs for ease of use.


Does is do what I want?
Does it fit where I want?
Does it cost what I can stand?
Is it fixable or protectable?

I'd just make a list of those items and go shopping.  I wanted to put my 
Zaurii in my briefcase or in a belt holster.  I didn't want it in my pocket. 
I don't care at all about syncing.  I wanted long battery life.  I wanted a 
shell and SSH.  That was it for me.  You may want very different things.  The 
5600 and C860 are USB devices not hosts but do have long battery life.  The 
new 6000 model is a USB host and from what I've heard on the zaurus forums has 
a great screen.

Also, my wife has a Palm M130 and it works for her just fine.  No syncing even 
though it will do it on her Linux PC.  She just doesn't care about that.  She 
likes the games and occasionally putting in names, emails, phone numbers, and 
so on.

alelist at christopherrussell.net wrote:
> I've been thinking about a pda -
> just to log names & addresses, and note reps at the gym.
> any recommendations? Palm, Zire, Blackberry... et al
> what syncs w/ evolution in fedora?
> what was originally great in theory but actually sucked in practice?
> feedback please, I don't want to commit cash to a crash!
> tia
> chris
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