[ale] Odd ssh behavior

Matthew Brown matthew.brown at cordata.com
Wed Jun 9 15:05:12 EDT 2004

I have a new server at my colo.  After setting it up I verified that I was
able to ssh in from one of the other servers.  It worked great.

BUT, from my office I cannot ssh into this box.  ALSO, if I ssh into the
other box (where I verified it was working) I cannot ssh across to the new
box.  I sent someone down today to make sure it's still up - and it is --
AND it still accepts ssh from the second box just like before.

Any great ideas?

Matthew Brown                CorData, Inc.
o:    770-795-0089 ...or... 888-681-2262
e:    matthew.brown at cordata.com
www:  www.cordata.com
Linux / Open Source Solutions for Business

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