[ale] OT: c++ datatypes question

J.M. Taylor jtaylor at onlinea.com
Mon Jun 7 15:33:15 EDT 2004

Thanks, I'll investigate these.

To answer the legacy question -- I am sort of aware of that, but this is
my first ever foray out of scripting languages, and to be honest I'm
starting out in a way that I really hate (using somebody else's API that I
barely can use, much less learn from).  Palm's conduit wizard is
only tangentally c++ as far as I can tell, and most of what I've been
learning from is actually c tutorials.  I will investigate both methods of 
doing things tho. Thank you. :)


> Since you're using C++, have you tried using the C++-style streaming
> operators?  For example,
>   #include <sstream>
>   // ...
>   std::istringstream iss(tmp, std::istringstream::in);
>   tmp >> wVar;
> The atoi() function, as well as countless other C-style standard functions,
> are considered "legacy" when used in a modern C++ (i.e., has a robust
> Standard Template Library (STL)) development context.

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