[ale] Updating a RH9 server...

Jay Finch retief at larp.com
Thu Jul 22 14:44:06 EDT 2004

Hi all!

I'm sure this has been discussed before, but lately my head has been
filled with Project Management terms, and I fear I've let my meager Linux
skills languish!  (And if this has been discussed before, I don't mind
being referred to the Archives to research first - But I fear that
sometimes the advice can be a bit esoteric. :~) )

Basically, I'm trying to find a free update service (like up2date was
before the RHEL migration) which will handle the updates for a RH9 box. 
Is there such an animal I could install?  (And someplace that contains
some fairly easy-to-follow instructions would be helpful too.  I'm not
afraid to get in and do some hacking to make it work, but a good start is
always helpful.)

Also - I'm going to probably be migrating my RH9 server to "something
else" soon as well, but I haven't figured out what Distro yet.  (The RH9
server is currently servicing about 200 users and 80 domains -- But I want
a way to keep it fairly secure (I used Bastille to harden it), while also
making it easy to be alerted about security risks & installing the
necessary patches.)

Any help would be appreciated.


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