[ale] Auto-mount floppy in Fedora

Joe Knapka jknapka at kneuro.net
Mon Jul 19 11:40:43 EDT 2004

Hi folks,

I've googled and browsed around the RH doc some, but have not found
an answer to this no-doubt-trivial issue. Is there a way to configure
Fedora (Core 1) to  auto-mount the floppy drive whenever a floppy
is inserted, as it does with the CD-ROM?


-- Joe

Re-defeat Bush in '04.
pub  1024D/BA496D2B 2004-05-14 Joseph A Knapka
     Key fingerprint = 3BA2 FE72 3CBA D4C2 21E4  C9B4 3230 94D7 BA49 6D2B
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jknapka .at. kneuro .dot. net.

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