[ale] USB modem

James P. Kinney III jkinney at localnetsolutions.com
Wed Jul 7 16:14:15 EDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-07-07 at 15:12, Cor van Dijk wrote:

> Thanks for your response. The acm module was loaded and listed, but did not
> help. I could not find anything
> related to the Hawking modem in the /proc files. When I used a "Hardware
> Browser" there was a listing as follows
> "SGS Thomson Microelectronics 56k Softmodem", which I initially took to be a
> winmodem integrated into the mobo.
> There is a site "www.linux-usb.org", which has a lot of good stuff,
> including  a tarbal "slmdm-2.7.14.tar.gz", which looked as if it might do
> something.  Which it did! Had to make manual adjustments to
> "/etc/wvdial.conf", and in the Makefile of
> slmdm, but it will produce a functioning connection.
> When I now boot up there are some fleeting warnings from "insmod" about the
> "slmdm" module not being kosher,
> no GPL license and "....may taint the kernel.......".  So far I did not
> notice anything extraordinary. All of this was done
> in RedHat Enterprise 3, which I bought by mistake, thinking it would work as
> an upgrade for the regular RedHat
> distros, which it does not. It works ok for me so far.
> Sorry for being backward with my dialup connection. Got already more speed
> and garbage than I can handle.
> Thanks again! Cor van Dijk.

Yay! You're online! The USB modem stuff is kind of non-standard,
black-magic voodoo stuff. The more expensive ones (I had a 3Com Voice
FaxModem Pro until lighting wiped out my office) seem to be easier to
setup than the less expensive ones. I'm guessing that yours was doing
some kind of USB->serial port stuff. The ACM stuff is a direct to modem
control that is a new type of serial communications.

After my lightning strike fun, I was not able to find another identical
modem so I got an internal pci-bus 3com voice modem that is not a
winmodem. The old one was $180, the new one was $70. It's my answering
machine with VOCP.

James P. Kinney III          \Changing the mobile computing world/
CEO & Director of Engineering \          one Linux user         /
Local Net Solutions,LLC        \           at a time.          /
770-493-8244                    \.___________________________./

GPG ID: 829C6CA7 James P. Kinney III (M.S. Physics)
<jkinney at localnetsolutions.com>
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