[ale] OT: Firewall purchase

James P. Kinney III jkinney at localnetsolutions.com
Tue Jul 6 13:42:14 EDT 2004

On Mon, 2004-07-05 at 17:36, David Hamm wrote:

> Take a look at this.  If you still don't believe they do IPSec we can have a 
> VNC session and you can watch me set up a couple of tunnels if you still 
> don't believe it.
> http://netgear.com/products/prod_details.php?prodID=129&view=sb
Cool! Looks like a Linux box with hard to upgrade parts. It's cheap too.

It amazes me the power that can be had using an ARM device. I suspect
this _is_ a Linux device given that status of the Linux on ARM
development and that Netgear has used Linux in the past (and NOT
released their code modifications as per GPL specs). If I were building
a device to do what is listed on their spec sheet (which I do), I would
use Linux as well.
James P. Kinney III          \Changing the mobile computing world/
CEO & Director of Engineering \          one Linux user         /
Local Net Solutions,LLC        \           at a time.          /
770-493-8244                    \.___________________________./

GPG ID: 829C6CA7 James P. Kinney III (M.S. Physics)
<jkinney at localnetsolutions.com>
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