[ale] Vi editor paragraph formatting command

Jason Day jasonday at worldnet.att.net
Mon Jul 5 10:27:24 EDT 2004

On Sat, Jul 03, 2004 at 09:56:17AM -0400, Jim Seymour wrote:
> I just managed to find your command and also "gqap" by regoogling. Tried
> and it works.

I have this in my ~/.vimrc:

map Q gq

Then, in command mode, I just hit Q} to reformat the entire paragraph.

When you get some free time, surf to http://www.vim.org/ and click the
"tips" link in the upper left.  There is a wealth of information there.

Jason Day                                       jasonday at
http://jasonday.home.att.net                    worldnet dot att dot net
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