[ale] [OT] securing sensitive data

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Fri Jan 23 14:33:45 EST 2004

Can you use ACLs in the C2 certified environment to control 
access to files?  The NSA has a Linux that is C2 certified 
now.  I don't know much about ACL's but that seems like one 
option to avoid the encryption at the file level.  You can 
always encrypt the filesystem itself.

J.M. Taylor wrote:
> All:
> I'm building an application that at the very minimum needs to be HIPAA 
> compliant (HIPPAA? i can't remember the stupid acronym).  I have the 
> luxury of a private, non-internet-connected network and plan to do a hardened 
> linux server running mysql to store the data.  As to the front-end, I 
> would prefer a web app but it's up to my client and how they feel that 
> would be percieved security-wise.  If I don't do a web app, I'm going to 
> do a perlTK app, because I know I can secure either of those things.  The 
> clients are all Windows of various vintages.  Physical security is nearly 
> nil, but I can probably manage to store the server in a locked closet.
> Now. Here's the fun part.  Everybody has access to certain sensitive data, 
> and only certain people have access to other sensitive data.  I would 
> ideally like to keep all sensitive data encrypted (PGP/GPG) in the 
> database.  My first quandry is -- putting a private key on the client machine 
> seems like a BAD and non-secure method of protecting the data.  I'm almost 
> equally nervous about storing their private keys on the server, which at 
> least I know will be maintained primarily by me.  
> My second quandry is, how on earth do I protect both shared and 
> individualized sensitive data?  Would just a shared secret key and 2-way 
> encryption be enough for the shared data?   
> My third quandry is, if I store all the data encrypted, searching will be 
> an absolute nightmare.  Encrypting and decrypting will be expensive, 
> and when I say "linux server" I mean a discared PII400 with 512Mb RAM 
> at absolute best.  The app is only going to be used by a couple dozen 
> people, but still...12 people simultaneously trying to encrypt and 
> decrypt would be horrible.
> I know nothing about this kind of thing...I know what to be worried about, 
> but I'm totally tying myself up in knots trying to sort all of this out.  
> Any resources, pointers to howtos, thoughts and experiences would be 
> greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Jenn
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