[ale] OT: Plasma TVs and burn-in

Dylan Northrup docx at io.com
Mon Jan 12 10:53:19 EST 2004

My understanding is plasma gas leakage is an unknown, burn in is a concern
if you leave the same picture on for a while, channel logos aren't that big
of a deal since they're low contrast and are less likely to burn in and
plasma TVs are available in larger sizes for less money at the moment.

LCD's are better tech overall, tend to be less bright, can be darker
depending on angle of viewing, don't have any burn-in problems, are more
expensive and not available in as large a size as plasmas.

If your number one concern is burn in, you probably want a CRT or LCD (both
plasma and projection screen have burn-in concerns).  If you want a larger
screen RIGHT NOW, or the LCDs don't look as good to you (which they don't to
me, but maybe I just haven't seen the right LCD model) you might put up with
the possibility of burn-in later down the line for a getting what you want
at the size you want right now.

A long time ago, (12.01.04), in a galaxy far, far away, Dow Hurst wrote:

:=Plasma TVs lose over time the internal gas mixture in each 
:=cell of the screen used to produce the picture.  Maybe a 10 
:=year lifetime for a good picture is what I've read.  I 
:=really don't know what the lifetime would be in the field. 
:=The newest LCD TVs look like a better technology.
:=Christopher Fowler wrote:
:=> We are looking at some Plasma TVs and our #1 concern is burn-in.  We
:=> only watch a few channels and each one has a logo that only goes away
:=> during commercials.  
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Dylan Northrup <*> docx at io.com <*> http://www.io.com/~docx/
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 really worth it if you give it a try." -- Cowboy Mouth, 'Easy'

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