[ale] Strange spam
Dow Hurst
dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Thu Jan 8 21:03:15 EST 2004
No, actually the less email I receive the more work I get
done. So, anything that the junk mail filter keeps me from
seeing is a good thing! ;-)
Now, I use mozilla mail filtering combined with rulesets so
I think I am getting specific addresses dropped into folders
before the junk mail filter runs on the Inbox. I think that
is what is happening. So the important people will get
their email put in the right place before the junk mail
filter operates on it.
James P. Kinney III wrote:
> The best part of this type of spam is it is designed to poison spam
> filters. If this gets dropped into a Bayesian filter, it will start
> marking legitimate email as spam based on the large collection of
> not-spam words.
> Yuck.
> On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 15:05, Michael D. Hirsch wrote:
>>On Thursday 08 January 2004 02:56 pm, Michael D. Hirsch wrote:
>>>People have been asking about the strange spam. I just got one which
>>>contest garrett attempt l's bridgehead beltsville flock
>>>jittery prophetic dressmake mineral compose fledge inoperative erode
>>>praiseworthy cheese applejack bausch level anaerobic avert dominican buteo
>>>But that is only in text mode. There is an HTML part of it as well which
>>>I've included below. Conclusion--it's just another penis enlargement spam
>>>trying to mask itself from spam killers by including lots of words that are
>>>usually in spam. Sneaky.
>>And I just received 3 more that all follow this pattern. Different ads
>>(viagra, and a lotion, and something else similarly disgusting), but the same
>>I'm filtering with spamassassin and they are getting through.
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Dow Hurst Office: 770-499-3428 *
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