[ale] bios update died

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sun Jan 4 17:29:52 EST 2004

matty91 at bellsouth.net wrote:
> On Sat, 3 Jan 2004, Geoffrey wrote:
>>I've always heard that if your bios update goes south, you're screwed.
>>Well, there's a first time for everything.
>>Updating the bios on my primary box, all was going well, then the screen
>>goes blank and the machine begins to cycle through my cd drives.  First
>>one appears like it's being accessed, then the 2nd.  It just keeps doing
>>this.  I know you're not supposed to shut the box down during a bios
>>update, but after 30 minutes, I figured it's toast anyway.
> I would contact the manufacturer and explain to them that you followed
> their instructions, and their updgrade procedure destroyed a working
> motherboard. That should hopefully get you a free PROM (maybe a new
> motherboard).

I went by the shop I picked the board up from and they sold me another 
k7s5a board that had defective ide for $10.  I swapped the bios chips 
and I'm good.  This chip has a later version of the bios, so no need to 
flash to get it to recognize the faster cpu. :)

Until later, Geoffrey	esoteric at 3times25.net

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