[ale] bioknoppix (Dow, isn't this your game?)

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Mon Feb 23 11:46:05 EST 2004

Hey thanks!  Bioinformatics is a new field of the 
biosciences where you apply all kinds of computational 
techniques to data to determine properties of a biological 
structure, be it protein, dna, or something else.  For 
instance, if your interested in a particular sequence of 
human nucleotides from the human genetic sequence, then you 
could look for similar sequences in other genomes that might 
have additional information.  It is perfect for database 
searching, statistical analysis, and scripting languages.  I 
don't know much about it yet, but am looking at some books 
on the subject.  Perl, python, and ruby are all languages 
being used in the field.  Linux is used alot since the 
languages fit in there better and Linux is free too.  It is 
a fascinating field when you need to find out alot about a 
sequence of amino acids or nucleic acids quickly.

John Wells wrote:
> http://slashdot.org/articles/04/02/14/188237.shtml?tid=185&tid=90
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