[ale] Good Tip from CNET

Christopher Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Mon Feb 23 07:57:21 EST 2004

1. In the lilo or grub boot prompt add the following 'init=/bin/sh'
2. When you get a shell promtp issue this command
    mount / -o remount,rw
3. Edit the shadow or passwd file
4. Reboot the system.

On Mon, 2004-02-23 at 01:52, Robert Reese wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi All,
> I'm sure all of you out there already knew this, but I thought it good enough
> to pass along.  ;c)
> Hopefully it will help someone else, too, as I'm sure this will certainly
> come in handy for me one day (probably more like a week's worth, actually).
> Peace,
> Robert Reese~
> Message-ID: <1751011.1077502801145.JavaMail.accucast at>
>  Help! I'm running Linux on my PC, and I've lost my root password. Is there
> anything I can do?
>  1. Boot up the system from the CD or floppy disk.
>  2. Mount the /root partition.
>  3. Edit the /etc/shadow (or /etc/passwd if this file doesn't exist (it
> wasn't there in older versions of Linux).
>  4. Find the line starting with root and delete anything between the first
> and second colon (:)
>  5. Reboot; the root password is now blank.
>  6. Remember to set a new password when you log in!
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