[ale] Debian. Grr.

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 22 16:34:40 EST 2004

On Sun, 2004-02-22 at 14:39, James Sumners wrote:

> I realize that he only has a base system running. That also more than likely
> means he is more than likely running the 'stable' branch of Debian. 

Afaik, there is no CD install of testing.

> Installing
> anything with official stable apt sources will not destablize the installation -
> that is why it is called "stable". So, doing 'apt-get install aptitude' will not
> break his system and will give him an easier tool to use than dselect.

doing 'apt-get install <anything>' on a fresh install of stable will d/l
LOTS of stuff.  Afaik, aptitude is NOT available for stable (please
correct me if I am wrong) and therefore the best thing this guy can do
is install stable upgrade to testing (if he so desires) then use dselect
or apt-get to install apps.  However if all he wants is to install one
or more apps after a fresh base install, dselect (based on unanimous
advice from the Debian developers) is the way to go.

I am not a Debian developer, I can only relay what they have
continuously stated to me an others over the years.

-Jim P

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