[ale] E-BAY items issues

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Fri Feb 13 10:58:01 EST 2004

Courtney Thomas wrote:
> I too experience this.
> Often if I click on Ebay's "back paging" link I can return, but not if I 
> simply click on Netscape's "back" button.
> Also if I flip the modem off&on, with a reconnection, sometimes this 
> solves the problem.
> But I often find a number of anomalies with mozilla that are not present 
> with MS Explorer to the extent that I just give up and use Winders to 
> access a given site.

I've done something similar.  When Mozilla doesn't work, I try a number 
of the other Linux based browsers.  If no success, I give up on that 

Until later, Geoffrey                     Registered Linux User #108567
Building secure systems inspite of Microsoft

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