[ale] I bought Libranet 2.8.1 yesterday. One word, awesome!!

Ray Knight audilover at atlantabroadband.com
Wed Feb 4 17:55:13 EST 2004

On Tue, 2004-02-03 at 17:57, Geoffrey wrote:
> Ray Knight wrote:
> > Everyone disses the debian install program.  But remember essentially
> >  the same install program runs on every architecture debian supports 
> > including at least x86 PCs, m68k Macs, Amigas, Ataris, PPC Macs,
> > Sparcs, and SGI Indys to name just a few.  Try to name one other
> > distribution that supports more than 2 architectures.
> I applaud Debian for their efforts, but let's face it:
> 1. Who needs to support more than 2 architectures?
No one needs this.  But isn't it good that we have a free distribution
available for almost every architecture supported by the Linux kernel?
> 2. Spreading a poorly designed install interface across multiple arch. 
> is not exactly a good thing.
There is a new install interface available for some architectures in
testing.  It's just taking a long time because the Debian policy is to
attempt support all architectures.

Ray Knight <audilover at atlantabroadband.com>

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