[ale]OT It begins...

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 4 07:44:59 EST 2004

On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 04:52, Chris Farris wrote:
> If someone wants to write a little perl script that traverses a
> directory structure, takes each html file, obfuscates any email addrs;
> writes that file to /tmp/something; then moves that file back into place
> - I'll run it on the archives. Make sure the file perms are 644. 

Chris, make a backup first if you care to not leave the archives
fubar'ed.  In my opinion, based on doing this very same thing elsewhere,
there is no way to do this without knowing ahead of time which email
addresses you want obfuscated.  You do not want all emails obfuscated.

-Jim P.

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