Carolinux.com bobevans19 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 30 02:50:01 EST 2004

Well, Jonathan, I was on the bench in 2002 for 14 weeks after I
trained  my H1B visa-holding replacements. I wasn't familiar with the
visa regs at the time, but I actually should have fought my employer
in court: H1B's can't replace qualified American coders. If it was
necessary for
me to train them, I must have been qualified for my own job, right???

I eventually landed a job. I took the first firm offer that came along
in the salary range I needed to support a family of 7. I've been there
ever since, but recently decided to look around: I haven't had a
significant raise in salary in 5 years, and I'm living more & more on
savings, not income. After a medical leave this October, my employer
turned into a bumfsck. (Yes, I'm the guy who went postal on this list
in September. I bad)

Anyway, I got an offer in a nearby city for $5K more / year. I'm
renting my house to a grown daughter. My wife & I will rent an
apartment for the 2-3 year gig. She can work anywhere: she's a writer.
 Check out "Jobless Recovery" in February on Lumina Press...
It doesn't have a happy ending. There is no happy ending...

Bob Evans        bobevans19 at gmail.com 
http://www.carolinux.com   Bringing Linux to the Carolinas...

There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand
binary, and those who don't.

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