[ale] the printer job that wouldn't die

James P. Kinney III jkinney at localnetsolutions.com
Fri Dec 10 11:50:26 EST 2004

On Fri, 2004-12-10 at 11:18, James Taylor wrote:
> I've had that happen a number of times.
> Stop the printer using Command Center (unless you have better way), then
> run tunelp -r /lp0 (or the correct equivalent device.)
> Sometimes I have to clear the /var/spool/cups (files only) and the
> /var/spool/cups/tmp directory to make this work.

Add to this:

Turn off the printer and pull out the parallel port connector (some
Epson dot matrix printer can keep a print job in internal memory just
with the power available from the port connection) for about 30 seconds.

While the printer is off, clean out the /var/spool/cups/ spool file(s).
Turn off cups (/etc/init.d/cups stop), replug the printer and power it
on. Restart cups.
> -jt
> James Taylor
> The East Cobb Group, Inc.
> james.taylor at eastcobbgroup.com
> 678-697-9420
> >>>jimmyc at speedfactory.net 12/10/04 10:02 am >>> 
> I am running CUPS on KDE. This isn't the first time this has happened to
> me. I 
> start a print job and something goes wrong. The printer starts spitting
> out 
> pages with a single line of characters and nothing else. If I try to
> kill the 
> job, there doesn't seem to be anything to kill. I can stop the printer.
> But 
> when it starts again, the pages start spitting out the same way. If I
> type 
> lprm as root, I get: 
> lprm: Unable to cancel job(s)! 
> If I try lpq, it doesn't report any jobs in the queue, so there is
> nothing I 
> can kill. I tried killing cupsd. When it starts again, the pages start 
> spitting out again. The only thing I know to do is to remove the printer
> and 
> reinstall it. Is there any way I can just find this job and kill it? 
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James P. Kinney III          \Changing the mobile computing world/
CEO & Director of Engineering \          one Linux user         /
Local Net Solutions,LLC        \           at a time.          /
770-493-8244                    \.___________________________./

GPG ID: 829C6CA7 James P. Kinney III (M.S. Physics)
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