[ale] OT: Music Downloads

Bjorn Dittmer-Roche bjorn at sccs.swarthmore.edu
Sun Aug 29 12:22:28 EDT 2004

(sorry you got this twice, chris)

On Sun, 29 Aug 2004, Christopher Fowler wrote:

> I'm looking for a site to download individual songs to play in mt car's
> MP3 player.  I looked at Wal-Mart's site but it requires Winbloze in
> Windows Media Player.  I need MP3 formats.  Anyone have any
> reccomendations?

Just a brainstorm: what about ac3 -> mp3 with itunes? Apple has said a lot of 
quality gets lost durring the conversion, but I have heard otherwise from 
people. Of course, this may require a mac or a PC.......


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