[ale] mail headers question

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Fri Aug 27 17:09:21 EDT 2004

Joe Steele wrote:
> On Friday, August 27, 2004, Geoffrey wrote:

>>Your assumption may well be correct though.  Question is, why does it
>>get through if I set my smtp server to my local machine?
> Why?  Because the message is no longer being forwarded by a server which 
> mindspring considers untrustworthy (mrelay.perfora.net).
> In an ideal world, mindspring should accept mail from everywhere, as 
> long as it is addressed to mindspring recipients.  However, real-
> world circumstances force mindspring to reject mail from any source 
> they consider untrustworthy.  They have no reason to distrust you 
> and/or speedfactory, but they evidently don't trust perfora.net.  
> Apparently their distrust is well founded;  IMO, perfora.net should 
> not have relayed your message based on the circumstances given above.

So how else would you suggest that I configure this process to work?

Until later, Geoffrey       Registered Linux User #108567
                             AT&T Certified UNIX System Programmer - 1995

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