[ale] NFS Problems

Brandon Colbert brandon at geekrus.net
Fri Aug 27 09:02:22 EDT 2004

James P. Kinney III wrote:

>That sounds like the portmap process isn't running. Stop NFS and restart
>service nfs stop
>service portmap restart
>service nfs start
>If that solves the problem then make sure the services are started
>properly at boot up (why are you rebooting anyway ?!?!)
>chkconfig --list portmap
>It should be running (i.e. "On") for service level 3 (and 5 if you run
>Fix it with:
>chkconfig --level 35 portmap on
>Now go to /etc/rc3.d and look at the "S" links. Make sure that the
>portmap has a lower number than the nfs S-link. Make sure the nfs has a
>lower number that portmap for the K-links to stop nfs before portmap.
>Do the same for /etc/rc5.d if you run X.
>On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 08:28, Brandon Colbert wrote:
>>When the server boots up it hangs when it tries to start NFS services, 
>>and it just sits there.
>>When i start it manually it takes a long time to start, but it starts. 
>>However, when i try to mount the NFS share from a client it gave me a 
>>RPC error.
>>So I go back to the server and run /etc/init.d/nfs status and it says 
>>that it is running.
>>Both servers are having the same problem.
>>Any idea. I have to get it fix before they run payroll.
>>Server OS: Redhat 9
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>>Ale at ale.org
I will try it and let you know if it works.

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