[ale] If you're on Bellsouth DSL, I recommend changing providers.

michael d. ivey ivey at gweezlebur.com
Wed Aug 18 15:47:44 EDT 2004

On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 03:06:49PM -0400, Mike Murphy wrote:
> Just tried it again to make sure I wasn't crazy, and 587 is blocked as
> well.

Incoming or outgoing?

You can run SMTP or SMTP AUTH on an alternate port, if you had to.

michael d. ivey        [McQ] : "While you can't predict the future, you
   <ivey at gweezlebur.com>     : can prepare for it."
http://gweezlebur.com/~ivey/ :                          -- Robert Rodin
 encrypted email preferred   :

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