[ale] Re: If you're on Bellsouth DSL, I recommend changing providers.

michael d. ivey ivey at gweezlebur.com
Wed Aug 18 15:00:06 EDT 2004

On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 01:35:37PM -0400, Chuck Huber wrote:
> What it is *truly* about is counter-terrorism and the PATRIOT act. 
> They're making it easier for the CIA, the FBI, and other TLA-type 
> agencies (three letter acronym) to intercept email.

1. Take off the tinfoil hat.
2. Setup SMTP AUTH on your server and start using port 587 for
3. Setup GPG and use it for anything important.

michael d. ivey        [McQ] : "A mathematician is a blind man in a
   <ivey at gweezlebur.com>     : dark room looking for a black cat which
http://gweezlebur.com/~ivey/ : isn't there."
 encrypted email preferred   :                        -- Charles Darwin

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