[ale] Dual Boot failure

Michael D. Hirsch mhirsch at nubridges.com
Tue Aug 17 09:45:52 EDT 2004

On Tuesday 17 August 2004 08:53 am, David Corbin wrote:
> I'm using LILO to try an dual boot my system. My lilo.conf has
> other=/dev/hdb2
> 	label=WindowsXP
> but selecting Windows gets me an "error loading operating system" from
> LILO.  I've got the same setup working on my laptop (except it's hda2
> there, because there is only the one hard drive.) and it works fine.

I thought that Windows wouldn't boot from anything but the first disk drive, 
hda.  LILO can remap your drives for you, I think.

Also, it seems to me that I usually have a chainloader command for booting 
windows.  I don't have a dual boot system here to look at, unfortunately.

Is there a reason you use LILO instead of GRUB?  IMHO, GRUB is better in every 
way, once you get familiar with it.

The KDE Control Center has a pretty nice boot manager admin screen that might 


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