[ale] OT: Well it is going to hit the list sooner or later.

Adrin haswes at mindspring.com
Sun Aug 1 01:27:14 EDT 2004


Vernon Blake, an IT sysadmin for the Alabama Department Of Transportation, wanted to get
evidence that his boss spent the majority of his time playing solitaire on his computer.
Since emails to higher up supervisors were ignored, he installed Win-Spy, which grabbed
screenshots several times per day over a period of 7 months. 70% of the resulting
screenshots showed an active game of solitaire, and another 20% showed his boss checking
the stock market. When he reported this to superiors, he was fired, even though he had 21
years of service in the position. His boss got a reprimand to 'stop playing games'. He is
appealing his termination in court since he claims it was part of his job description to
'confirm and document' computer misuse for ALDOT.

Hi Story  http://www.aldotwaste.com/

Now we need a poll.    Was he right or wrong?  Couldn't he have blocked the websites and
removed solitaire? Then played dumb as to why they didn't work. (j/k)


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