[ale] Re: Your letter

Jeffrey B. Layton laytonjb at charter.net
Sat Apr 24 08:56:59 EDT 2004

Geoffrey wrote:

> Jeffrey B. Layton wrote:
>> Well, I'll step up and say that was my account at
>> work that sent the email (or at least me email
>> address). However, I have not been at work or
>> accessed my account all last week. Plus, I don't
>> even use Windows at work. Could someone explain
>> how this could happen?
>> In the meantime, I apologize to the list.
> I wouldn't be so quick to apologize.  Unless you verified this via the 
> headers, it's likely it wasn't you, but spoofed.
> Did you verify it via headers or via the From:? 

No I didn't do that. I need to look at the headers a bit to
check this out.

> If you did verify it AND you don't use Windows at work, it would be 
> extremely interesting to research this as it would seem to indicate a 
> non-windows based viri of some type.. 

Let's hope it's not a new viri...



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