[ale] Linux Security

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Thu Apr 22 01:47:56 EDT 2004

There are two editions of the book.  The first deals more with IPchains while 
the second deals more with IPTables.  Both books are worth having since the 
topics do not all overlap.  He has a website dedicated to the books as well.

I use Bob's company, Fly-By-Day Consulting, for firewall management and 
security issues.  We've had a successful relationship since the November of 
2000 when my servers were hacked into due to procrastination on my part. 
Crackers don't sleep so why should we?  Right, Bob?

BruceG wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 April 2004 23:59, Ryan Williams wrote:
>>>I was at the bookstore today, browsing - and saw Bob's book. Wow! That
>>>is REALLY impressive!
>>I just joined the list and missed the beginning of this thread. Could
>>someone please re-post the info on this book again?
> Ryan - Bob Toxen is a member of the list, and has some great posts. He also 
> wrote a book on security called Real World Linux Security. The first time I 
> saw it was at the bookstore today, and I was impressed. Bob can do a much 
> better job of explaining it - but just thumbing through it I saw a lot of 
> answers on things I've wondered about time and time again.
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