[ale] How much can one Linux machine do?

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sat Apr 17 12:31:53 EDT 2004

H. Adrin Story wrote:
> currently runing a apache server, email, desktop workstation and ftp on 
> one machine.  Probably a few other things  also. Hey, it is just a 
> learning tool/toy.   I just wonder at what point will I start to notice 
> something.  By the way it is just a 850MHz machine .

When top consistently shows a load ave above 1, you'll know you've 
topped the box out.  Really, it all depends on the loads of each 
process.  Apache with no or few requests is going to be very little 
impact.  The same applies to the other services you noted.  Start 
processing something that is constantly doing work, like motion ( image 
motion detection package) and you'll start to see a real load.

Until later, Geoffrey                     Registered Linux User #108567
Building secure systems in spite of Microsoft

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