[ale] ALE Central: The Sharp Zaurus: Current State of Affairs

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Fri Apr 9 15:21:25 EDT 2004

On that note, I plan to get the presentation up on the Wiki within the week. 
I'll post when it is done.

Michael D. Hirsch wrote:
> On Thursday 08 April 2004 03:05 pm, Dow Hurst wrote:
>>I wasn't able to get the CFXGA to work on the 5600. :-(
> Your inability to get VGA output from you Zaurus notwithstanding, I think we 
> all enjoyed last night's ALE Central presentation on Zauri.  Dow gave a good 
> overview of the state of the art in Open Source Zaurus software and operating 
> systems.
> There were at least 5 Zaurus users present, and I, for one, was thrilled to 
> get to play a little with one of the clamshell models after the talk.
> Next month: Linux on Linksys.
> Michael
>>Michael D. Hirsch wrote:
>>>I am pleased to announce this weeks ALE Central meeting announcement.
>>>                         ALE Central
>>>                 Thursday, April 8 2004
>>>                           7:30 PM
>>>         The Sharp Zaurus:  Current State of Affairs
>>>                        Dow Hurst
>>>I plan to explain where the current state of development is on the Sharp
>>>Zaurus.  I'll give some links and tips on what I've found as a
>>>productive environment.  And, hopefully some interesting news on what is
>>>new in the Zaurus world to entertain you.  Do you know what OE is?  Did
>>>you know that Debian and Gentoo can run on the Zaurus?  Did you know
>>>that 400MHz really isn't?  And, how you can fix that bug in the
>>>PXA-250.  I hope to not bore you but explain a bit about how to make the
>>>Zaurus work for you.  If the hardware works out the presentation may be
>>>on my Zaurus displayed thru a projector.  We will see about that.
>>>Dow Hurst is a chemist/sysadmin working on computer modelling of the
>>>Cannabinoid receptors.  He never has been interested in a PDA until the
>>>Zaurus came along.  He has his BS in Chemistry from KSU and has worked
>>>there in the Chemistry Department for the past 8 years.  Before that he
>>>was a bench chemist working in the black art of high pressure sealed
>>>tube chemistry for the refrigeration industry.  He doesn't realize how
>>>old he is, so still likes play more than work. ;-)  You can email him
>>>for now at Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com.
>>>Ale mailing list
>>>Ale at ale.org
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Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428            *
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