[ale] SO vs OO

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Mon Apr 5 09:57:35 EDT 2004

The big warts are the font, styles, and template differences.  The import and 
export filters may be better in Staroffice than in OOo.  I would explain the 
freeness and open source differences to your friend/customer.  But, the main 
difference between MSOffice and OOo/SO is the price versus bloat.  I have 
found for complex documents/posters or documents with special fonts and 
formatting that OOo will not open or save as MSWord/Powerpoint correctly. 
Most of the time I can open up the document or poster to get the info I need, 
but if I have to modify and resend back, then I just revert to MSoffice under 
CXoffice.  I might use Win98/VMware/MSoffice if I have that.  Whatever works.

I would stress that for casual office use and personal use OOo is perfect for 
integrating with other MSoffice users.  For real business use, you'd need SO 
on most machines and MSoffice available on at least one machine in the office. 
  I'd have one publicly available machine to all in the office that had SO and 
MSoffice available via Linux with CXoffice.  Then you'd have what you need 
when crunch time comes,

Chris Fowler wrote:
> I just installed a Winbloze XP box for a lady and I decided on OO
> instead of MS Office.  She should be fine.  
> On Sun, 2004-04-04 at 20:15, Byron A Jeff wrote:
>>On Sun, Apr 04, 2004 at 02:46:40PM -0400, Chris Fowler wrote:
>>>Is there a real difference between Start Office and Open Office?
>>Chris, I can't answer that question. But it did remind me of a question that
>>I have been planning on asking the list.
>>OO.org and SO primary area of service is as a replacement for M$ Office. 
>>Unfrotunately I'm not really an office using person. So there are huge gaps in
>>my understand of what folks who use office software need. So the question:
>>What are the top 3-5 tasks that the average user actually needs that OO.org/SO
>>cannot yet effectively perform?
>>Use average to take out the exotics. For example I noticed that OO.org doesn't
>>seem to have a way to import a text file as a outline into impress like PP
>>does. Essential for me, but probably not a big deal.
>>I would have said WordArt as an example. But the OO.org/SO FontFactory fills 
>>that need. 
>>I'm planning on proffering OO.org for both Windows and Linux to folks. I just
>>want to be real clear on the current warts that needs to be cleaned up.
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