[ale] SO vs OO

Byron A Jeff byron at cc.gatech.edu
Sun Apr 4 20:18:29 EDT 2004

On Sun, Apr 04, 2004 at 02:46:40PM -0400, Chris Fowler wrote:
> Is there a real difference between Start Office and Open Office?

Chris, I can't answer that question. But it did remind me of a question that
I have been planning on asking the list.

OO.org and SO primary area of service is as a replacement for M$ Office. 
Unfrotunately I'm not really an office using person. So there are huge gaps in
my understand of what folks who use office software need. So the question:

What are the top 3-5 tasks that the average user actually needs that OO.org/SO
cannot yet effectively perform?

Use average to take out the exotics. For example I noticed that OO.org doesn't
seem to have a way to import a text file as a outline into impress like PP
does. Essential for me, but probably not a big deal.

I would have said WordArt as an example. But the OO.org/SO FontFactory fills 
that need. 

I'm planning on proffering OO.org for both Windows and Linux to folks. I just
want to be real clear on the current warts that needs to be cleaned up.


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