[ale] Who are the trainers...

Ray Knight audilover at atlantabroadband.com
Tue Sep 23 23:23:23 EDT 2003

I took an AT&T C class in 1985.  Our company was moving from Cobol to C
and they thought (I think rightly so at the time) that AT&T would be the
best source for the training.  The class was quite good, in fact I
gained enough knowledge from the class to immediately fix a library we
were using that had been badly written by a contractor.

On Tue, 2003-09-23 at 08:13, Jim Lynch wrote:
> I took a AT&T C++ class long ago.  It was quite good.  I don't remember 
> the instructor however.
> Jim.
> Geoffrey wrote:
> > 
> > I too find the cost quite high.  When I was working for AT&T, they would 
> > pay around $1000-$1200 for a 5 day course.  And they had, without 
> > question, the best of the best.  For example, I took an intro. to Perl 
> > from Tom Christiansen.  Much of the internal training at AT&T was done 
> > by either the internal experts from the Labs or contractors such as Tom.
> > 
> > $1000 for a three day class is really high for an intro Linux class.
> > 
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Ray Knight <audilover at atlantabroadband.com>

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