[ale] upgrading glibcx to glibc2.2.4...........

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Fri Sep 19 20:19:46 EDT 2003

Dow Hurst wrote:
> I thought that an install of a new glibc would require all apps 
> depending on glibc to be recompiled with the new glibc or they would 
> segfault, not run, or something along those lines.  Am I in looneyland 
> or the linuxlibrary? ;-)

Arrr... Not necessarily.  Basically it depends on the changes, you might 
get lucky, but chances are you won't and things will crap on you. 
Something as big as glibc is certainly going to cause problems  because 
it touches so much.  So I guess in an indirect way I'm agreeing with you. :)

Arrr, Matey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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