[ale] PHP help
Mazukna, Thomas
Thomas.Mazukna at delta.com
Thu Sep 18 12:57:59 EDT 2003
/me is standing beating head against the wall.
of course!
chmod 666 *
was what caused this .....
thanks for pointing this out.
-----Original Message-----
From: F. Grant Robertson [mailto:f.g.robertson at alexiongroup.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 12:12 PM
To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
Subject: RE: [ale] PHP help
It's the 666 permissions.. Directories need to be flagged as executable..
Dir permissions should be more like
and if your paranoid, you could possibly tweak the permissions and ownership
on any configuration files so that they are only readable by the apache
Try 'chmod 755 mydir' on the webroot or the dir this file is in.
Also, if you can figure out what user apache is running as, you can try 'su'
ing to that user, and attempting to cat the file. If you can't cat the file
as the user apache runs as, apache (and hence php) will not be able to read
the file either.
Hope this helps.. this one has bitten me in the ass a few times.
-----Original Message-----
From: ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org]On Behalf Of
Mazukna, Thomas
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 11:19 AM
To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
Subject: RE: [ale] PHP help
all directories and files are 666 all the way to the root.
Owned by same user as apache is running. php is apache module not cgi.
I just added "AllowOverride", but then took it out. same problem.
looks like rebooting apache caused the problem.
I updated this debian box yesterday.
I just did a search for this problem on google.
I am seeing a lot of live sites having this problem.
must be a bug in something .....
open for suggestions
-----Original Message-----
From: F. Grant Robertson [mailto:f.g.robertson at alexiongroup.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 11:11 AM
To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
Subject: RE: [ale] PHP help
Without knowing what you did to httpd.conf, it's hard to say but.. This
seems like a permissions or ownership problem. Php should run as the same
user apache is configured to run as, and if that user doesn't have rights to
read the file (or the directory) then, the opening of includes will fail.
what are the flags and ownership of 'start.php'?
-----Original Message-----
From: ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org]On Behalf Of
Mazukna, Thomas
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 10:49 AM
To: ale at ale.org
Subject: [ale] PHP help
hi, I am started getting
Warning: main(inc/start.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in
/web/solutionsquare/index.php on line 2
Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'inc/start.php'
(include_path='.') in /web/solutionsquare/index.php on line 2
after minor apache conf tweak and reboot.
looks like php problem to me... anybody knows what is going on?
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