[ale] OT: Win32 Programming

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Thu Sep 18 11:34:54 EDT 2003

Pete Hardie wrote:
> Geoffrey wrote:

>> Not to start a flame, but been through the Hungarian thing.  It's got 
>> to be the most arcane programming approach.
> <fanning a small ember>
> The big problem with Hungarian Notation is that you need to rename a 
> variable if you change its type - float to int, or int to string.  
> That's really troublesome.

<ember produces a flame..>

Right.  My belief is, you name a variable to give you an idea of what it 
  represents, not it's type.  So what do you do when you start casting?

'SalesAverage' makes a lot more sense to me then 'ImAFloatDude.' 
'SalesAverage' pretty much tells me it's a numeric value and it's likely 
going to have a decimal value.  Just as 'NumberOfFrogs' is likely to be 
an integer, whereas 'TypeOfFrog' is not.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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