[ale] OT: submit your own anti-trust complaint against Microsoft

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Fri Sep 12 21:04:38 EDT 2003

synco gibraldter wrote:
> i wouldn't even know where to begin sorting through the insults
> looking for tidbits of argument to rebut within the last several
> responses.  no sense in carrying the thread much further.

I'll tell you what.  Do a little research and come back to the list. 
Research what the experts say about Microsoft technologies.  Here are a 
couple of folks you should look into:

Aviel D. Rubin


Bill Cheswick


Bruce Schneier


Steve Bellovin

Now pick up the book "The Microsoft File: The Secret Case Against Bill 
Gates (Random House, 1998)" by Wendy Rohm.  I'd give you my copy, but I 
already gave it to someone else.  I'll pay for it.  If you can't find 
it, I'll contact Wendy and get a copy for you.  Read it.

Now go check out the archives of the am-info list.  Look at the older 
ones, the list has been wasting away of late:


Pay particular attention go folks like Mitch Stone, Joe Barr.

What you should get from this is a couple of things:

1. Microsoft is a marketing company, not a software company
2. Microsoft has yet to put computer security on the front burner.
3. Microsoft has destroyed companies and in doing so, people's lives.
4. Microsoft technology pretty well sucks.
5. Microsoft enhances their technology in order to push upgrades, not to 
better their products.

Finally, I personally think Bill Gates is an evil person.  He would sell 
his mother or child to make a buck.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

The latest, most widespread virus?  Microsoft end user agreement.
Think about it...

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