[ale] politics, KDE

Chris Ricker kaboom at gatech.edu
Wed Sep 10 16:11:50 EDT 2003

Here's a political post that's actually on-topic (for once! ;-)

This may be old news, but I just ran across the link:


while reading Debian Weekly News. Apparently an author of a few KDE apps
(kaboodle being the most well-known) recently added the following code to
his apps:

s_aboutData->addCredit("United States Army", I18N_NOOP("Preserving the 
freedom that made this software possible"));

KDE asked him to remove it per KDE no-political-statements policies, he
refused, KDE removed it, and he pulled his apps from KDE. They're still
available on his home page <http://www.hakubi.us/>.... Browsing the KDE CVS
web verifies that at least kaboodle is currently removed from KDE, though.


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