[ale] (OT) schools and filesharing

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Fri Oct 31 15:58:09 EST 2003

The policy dictated from above to the students here at KSU is that they 
better not be found downloading or uploading illegally acquired 
copyrighted data (interpret video/music).  Loss of your connectivity and 
possibly hardware could result, not to mention getting expelled.  I am 
sure downloading music and video happens but much more control on 
allowed ports is being exercised.  Plus watching network traffic has 
become part of the norm for the ITS department.  The university has to 
protect itself from legal repercussions as well as viral attacks.

Preston Boyington wrote:

>Several of us were talking today about the RIAA/MPAA and new college
>students.  Especially the students that come from a dial-up situation and
>are now on a T1 connection.  
>What safe guards are schools taking to curb their (the school) liability?
>Anyone hear of students being expelled/suspended/fined?  Are schools doing
>more to block filesharing, etc?
>Just curious,... really

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428            *
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