[ale] Strange hangs with Mandrake 9.2 & GNOME

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Thu Oct 30 11:21:33 EST 2003

You may have some IDE issues that log errors continuously.  Sound like 
some hardware issue that the kernel doesn't like.  You might drop back 
to the older system that worked or switch to Gentoo with a later 
kernel.  Just an idea.  Oh, and on boot in your current system you 
should try disabling ACPI or try noapic.  Either might help you.

Michael D. Hirsch wrote:

>You may have heard me mention that I have my wife using Linux, now.  She has a 
>nice fast hyperthreading CPU, plenty of RAM, CDRW, DVD reader--in short, she 
>should be a happy camper.
>I recently upgraded her to Mandrake 9.2 with the latest OpenOffice, GNOME, and 
>Evolution and suddenly weird stuff is happening.  Her system will suddenly 
>hang for a few seconds, then restart.  Internet activities (http and POP 
>mail, for example) seem very slow.
>As she was complaining I started watching her machine from my laptop.  It was 
>not returning pings very well--sometime not at all, and sometimes with 5 
>second delays.  I logged on to her machine and pinged the mail server--it was 
>showing the same problems.  I could ping it fine from my laptop.
>Later I logged on to her system.  I was running top, then I started xosview 
>which is a graphical system monitor.  xosview show 100% CPU usage, but top 
>didn't show any process using much CPU.  This lasted about 5 seconds, then 
>stopped and I couldn't get it to recur over the next hour.
>Any clues or suggestions?  I'm running two other Mandrake installations 
>without trouble, though they tend to be in KDE, not GNOME.
>Ale mailing list
>Ale at ale.org

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