[ale] Blocking Internet access for certain users

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Tue Oct 28 10:31:02 EST 2003

The easiest way to manage your data in that situation is to have an 
additional interface on the firewall so building 1 and 2 have separate 
interfaces with separate rulesets.

nick travis wrote:

>I need to block all Internet access for a few users.  What would be the
>simplest way to implement this, I have an IPtables firewall and the
>machines are currently on dhcp, but I could define static addresses if I
>need to, although I would prefer to do it based on MAC address.
>Not sure if this matters or not but here's the layout.  I have 2
>buildings, I want everyone in building 1(offices) to have full access,
>but I want the people in building 2(production) to only have access to
>local systems, including the firewall which doubles as a mail server,
>there's a fiber link between the buildings(or there will be next week). 
>I thought about connecting this to the firewall but I would rather run
>it to the backbone switch for building 1.  Hope that makes sense. I'm
>sure I could make it work, but I wanted some input as to the best way to
>do it. Thanks!

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428            *
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