[ale] Re: Red Hat scare tactics

Jonathan Glass jonathan.glass at ibb.gatech.edu
Fri Oct 17 16:50:20 EDT 2003

Michael D. Hirsch wrote:

>On Friday 17 October 2003 03:23 pm, Michael D. Hirsch wrote:
>>On Friday 17 October 2003 02:25 pm, James P. Kinney III wrote:
>>>On Fri, 2003-10-17 at 12:46, Michael D. Hirsch wrote:
>>>This is a big part of the reason for the Fedora distribution.
>>>Currently, there are a few rpm packages that glue in the RedHat
>>>trademarked logo's and name around the system. The splash screens on
>>>boot and X startup are the two big ones. There are other locations that
>>>use different RedHat TM'ed logo stuff. All of it gets put in
>>>/usr/share/pixmaps/redhat. It is provided by the package redhat-logos.
>>>Pulling out that package should get rid of all of the RedHat trademarked
>>>That package is also NOT under the GPL:
>>Ahh!  This I can understand them restricting.  If that is the only part of
>>the distribution that is not free, I can handle it.  Cool-o.
>To follow up, I just did a query on my desktop system and didn't see anything 
>that didn't look open.  I can't wait to run it on a RH Enterprise system.
>Here's the query I ran.  It's kinda cute (and should be all one line with 
>single spaces at the line breaks): 
>rpm -qa --queryformat '%{NAME}: %{LICENSE}\n' | grep -iv 
>"GPL\|MIT\|freeware\|BSD\|XFree86\|public domain\|Poetic\|Free\|Public 
>Domain\|Artistic\|GNU General Public License\|distributable\|MPL\|Apache 
>Software License\|Distributable\|Apache-style"
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 From my Redhat Advanced Server 2.1 box.

PyXML: Apacheish
baspsnmp: Commercial
iANS: Proprietary
Dellmgr: LSI Logic Corporation
php: The PHP License, version 2.02
netscape-common: Proprietary
AVEngine: (c) 1992-2003 Computer Associates Intl, Inc
uagent: (c) 1992-2002  Computer Associates International
4Suite: Apacheish
Wnn6-SDK: OMRON Corporation, OMRON Software Co., Ltd.
libungif: X Consortium-like
IBMJava2-JRE: Commercial
netscape-communicator: Proprietary
openjade: Copyright 1997 James Clark
basplnx: Commercial
afaapps: 2000 - 2002, Adaptec Inc.
Megamon: LSI Logic Corporation
php-imap: The PHP License, version 2.02
php-pgsql: The PHP License, version 2.02
openldap: OpenLDAP
openldap-devel: OpenLDAP
as9svr: (c) 1992-2002 Computer Associates Intl
caagent: (c) 1992-2002  Computer Associates International
redhat-logos: Copyright ? 1999-2000 Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
gnome-user-docs: FDL
libungif-devel: X Consortium-like
dell: Commercial
php-ldap: The PHP License, version 2.02
openldap-clients: OpenLDAP
IBMJava2-SDK: Commercial
calicense: (c) 1992-1999 Computer Associates Intl, Inc
as9mgr: (c) 1992-2002 Computer Associates Intl

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